Wednesday, November 30, 2011

#SurvivingProgress Most Important Film In Decades



Most Important Film in Decades 

  • Intelligent, compelling and featuring some of the world’s great contemporary thinkers, Surviving Progress is nothing short of a massive taking stock. Inspired by Ronald Wright’s bestselling non-fiction book about societal collapse, Mathieu Roy and Harold Crooks’ documentary explores the concept of progress in our modern world and, more specifically, the idea of “progress traps.” Simply put, these are innovations that seem like smart moves forward but inadvertently cause new problems. 

    Drawing on historical examples, Roy and Crooks guide us through a sweeping but detailed survey of the major progress traps facing our civilization in the arenas of technology, economics, consumption and the environment. Along the way, we hear powerful arguments in interviews with modern luminaries such as Jane Goodall, Margaret Atwood, David Suzuki, Stephen Hawking and Ronald Wright himself, as well as grassroots activists. From prevalent issues like untenable economic structures, deforestation and political corruption, to the more controversial domains of overpopulation and synthetic biology, Roy and Crooks do not shy away from even the thorniest of topics. 

    Like some of the key socio-political documentaries of the last ten years — The CorporationManufactured LandscapesAnInconvenient TruthForce of Nature and Inside Job — Surviving Progress raises critical questions about the pivotal mistakes society has made. It does so from a remarkable big-picture perspective, seamlessly tackling multiple and disparate issues. The question of how we escape the traps leads to even deeper concerns about the potential fixes.

First Financial Insights Inc.
Toronto, ON
November 30,2011

Take a glimpse into your future...

This film is sure to change lives!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Geo-Political Ambush


Geo-Political Ambush!

Ike Was Right. Who Listened?

The following is an exchange with a colleague that brings to bear the present predicament and conundrum that is faced by America and its Military Industrial Complex.  This is a damned if you do or damned if you don’t situation, caused by a need to preserve the safety of the seaways and free flow of goods and NNRs among nations. We are not taking sides here, but it is remarkable the number of forewarnings that occurred over the years forecasting the dangers and perils of the present situation. For whatever reasons we even fail when it comes to listening and appreciating the deep wisdom of our great forbearers.


November 26, 2011

Dear Sirs

The “US military paradox” is interesting indeed. We say that we hate wars and US imperialism; yet in the absence of US imperialism we would not have access to the mix and levels of (foreign) NNRs (Non Renewable Natural Resources) that enable our American way of life.

Very few Americans understand this basic fact…


PS. Unfortunately, the folks who are funding our military—the Chinese, Japanese, Russians, Persian Gulf States, etc.—are also our competitors for these increasingly scarce NNRs—another “twist” to the paradox!

FFI Observations of  the American Military Paradox

Washington and Ike did. Ike in fact reminded America in his last speech in office. No one listened? Indeed Washington's similar warning, I understand, is read at the opening of each session of the Congress No one listens?  

Ike's original speech actually referred to the Military Industrial Congressional Complex. He acceded to strong advice and removed "Congressional" from the speech. Interpret that at your leisure. It is ironic and shocking beyond words that two of the Nation's wisest and greatest leaders’ most salient words have been simply ignored. Both men forewarned of the peril, but the forearming was paradoxical.

The current budget battle is a further reflection of this ongoing violation of Presidential wisdom. Military needs may displace the social safety nets of the people. This will no doubt raise the levels and possibilities for social decay and unrest. The final chapter looks to read as Ike predicted - Democracy Lost.

May I add a further twist to the geo-political chess game that Russia, China and others may be playing with America either deliberately or inadvertently? They all know that they cannot take the US on directly. They know that America and its military are operating from ego and related addictions to NNR’s and such.. So they are entrapping the US into a "rock bottom situation' whereby American social unrest and decay will undermine their "perceived geo-political adversary".

This is a clever and patient strategy that is perhaps being executed with considered discipline over decades. We should never be naive to their exceptional will and competence. Never.

They also have no problem financing and letting the US act as the world's police force as it saves them from their own domestic political problems that would arise when their young people are lost in distant and foreign wars. It saves resources for domestic affairs as well. Smart.

The US is more than happy to take on this police (or junky?) role for assured supplies of NNR's even though it will ultimately never be able to repay its creditors' claims with equivalent concretes at a future date. To me, this looks like a complex geo-political ambush that the US is blindly marching into without a one-eyed man. And America may not be able to defend itself with its arsenal of sophisticated weapons as the enemy would be from within - as planned.

Such are our Times...

First Financial Insights Inc
Toronto, ON
November 28, 2011



Sunday, November 20, 2011

#GROWTHBUSTERS #Ows #Occupy #N17

Economic, Population,and Urban Growth: Over-consumption - BUSTED

About the Film

Everything we thought we knew is wrong!

Okay, maybe not everything. But what if some of our core beliefs about how the world works turn out to be myths? This documentary flips our world upside down to see what makes it tick, as it explores the most critical question of our time:

How do we become a sustainable civilization?

Water shortages, hunger, peak oil, species extinction, and even increasing depression are all symptoms of a deeper problem – addiction to unending growth in a world that has limits. GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth goes way beyond prescribing Band-Aids to slow the bleeding. This film examines the cultural barriers that prevent us from reacting rationally to the evidence current levels of population and consumption are unsustainable.
It asks why the population conversations are so difficult to have. Why it’s more important to our society to have economic growth than clean air. Why communities seek and subsidize growth even when it destroys quality of life and increases taxes.

Our growth-centric system is broken. It’s not providing the happiness or the prosperity we seek. But that’s good news; it means a shift to a sustainable model will be good for us. We’ll be happier and more prosperous.

Individual and public policy decisions today are informed by a powerful, pro-growth cultural bias. We worship at the Church of Growth Everlasting. Undeterred by the facts, we’re on a collision course powered by denial and the myth that growth brings prosperity. Before we can shift our civilization meaningfully, effectively, and substantially toward true sustainability, the world must be “prepped.” We must become self-aware and recognize the programming that keeps us hooked. GrowthBusters will do just that. We’ll hear from leading thinkers of our time – scientists, sociologists, and economists – to help us separate fact from superstition.

We’re approaching the end of growth. Will we embrace it? Or go down fighting?

From Las Vegas to Atlanta, Mexico City to Mumbai, the White House to the VaticanGrowthBusters takes us on a whirlwind tour of growth mania. It’s Wild Kingdom with a twist: the cameras are turned on humanity as our own survival skills are examined. GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth looks into the psychology of denial and crowd behaviour. It explores our obsession with urban and economic growth, and our reluctance to address overpopulation issues head-on. This documentary holds up a mirror, encouraging us to examine the beliefs and behaviours we must leave behind – and the values we need to embrace – so our children can survive and thrive.

Watch The Trailer