Monday, June 24, 2019

#Ponzi Returns - $20 Trillion Funny #Money Created By Central #Banks

  • "Free lunches, huge welfare expenses, out-of-control warfare costs and many spending programs are dangerous. The banking cartel benefits, but savers, pension plans, and consumers pay'

Free Lunch!

Most of us understand “there’s no free lunch.” Someone must pay for the products and services we use. The acronym is TANSTAAFL, or “There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.” The saying has been around for decades, even prior to Robert Heinlein’s “The Moon is A Harsh Mistress.”
Our morning coffee is an example. Coffee beans were planted, grown, harvested, roasted, transported, and ground. It required energy and currency units to buy beans and heat water to make our coffee. There is no free coffee.
The same is true for food, the cars we drive, our homes and hundreds of other goods and services we need.
But Wait! A “free lunch” exists for some people.
Central banks have created over $20 trillion in “funny money” from “thin air” in their debt fueled fantasy land. They used those currency units to buy dodgy bonds, stocks, ETFs, gold, politicians and much more.
Sounds like a free lunch… billions of free lunches…
Create digital currency units, buy real goods, including gold, and… have a free lunch while enjoying your nice day. Central banks designed the system and work it for their benefit.



Monday, June 17, 2019

#WSJ - Soon There Will Be No More #Truck Drivers

"The 1,000-mile run between Phoenix and Dallas is part of a program aimed at making intercity mail transport less expensive and more efficient" 



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U.S. Postal Service Starts Testing Self-Driving Trucks

 By Jennifer Smith

The U.S. Postal Service is testing self-driving trucks on a more than 1,000-mile mail run between Phoenix and Dallas, the post office’s first use of the technology for long hauls.

The move comes as investors and vehicle makers are spending millions on trucking automation. 

The two-week pilot starting Tuesday will use big rigs supplied by autonomous trucking firm TuSimple to haul trailers on five round trips between distribution centers, the company said. The roughly 22-hour trip along three interstate highways is normally serviced by outside trucking companies that use two-driver teams to comply with federal regulations limiting drivers’ hours behind the wheel.
“This run is the sweet spot of where autonomy is valuable,” said Chuck Price, chief product officer at TuSimple, which has offices in the U.S. and China. “The vehicle can continue operating without the hours-of-service restrictions of a human driver.”


Image result for jimmy hoffa time magazine


The Postal Service, which has been losing money for several years as letter volume has declined, is trying to restrain operating costs and is seeking ways to cut fuel expenses, improve truck safety and use its fleet more efficiently. 






Monday, June 10, 2019

Seven #Reasons To Stop Doing Business With #Fascist #China

 "If a person doesn’t understand how badly the energy situation is working out for China, or how important energy consumption is, it is easy to think that the problems China is facing are primarily tariff-related. In fact, China’s situation is a very worrisome one, with or without tariffs being added"

Image result for fascist china flag

Seven Reasons Why We Should Not Depend on Imported Goods from China

It seems to me that the situation in China is far different from what most people think it is. Even if we would like to depend on China, we really cannot.
Reason 1. When we depend on goods from China, an amazingly large share of the world’s industrial activity gets concentrated in China.
The five largest users of energy in the world are China, the United States, India, Russia, and Japan. The International Energy Agency shows total energy consumption as follows for the year 2016:

When these countries are compared, restricting our analysis to the portion of energy used by industry, we find the rather disconcerting result shown in Figure 2: