Friday, July 30, 2021

BIGGER FISH TO FRY - Comments The New York Times , July 26, 2021



Pandemics are a mere pimple on the back of an elephant when compared to the possibility of the Arctic Melting and causing a Blue Ocean Event later this year - which in turn could cause a rise in temperatures of 6 degrees C or more.

This would exacerbate the climate chaos and extreme weather patterns already being experienced and in all likelihood lead to the extinction of all vertebrate animals on the planet. This abrupt change in climate compares to that experienced during the Permian extinction when 90% of life on Earth perished. In short, we have much bigger fish to fry - much more than pimples on an elephant's back.

Moreover, we should not lose sight of the looming energy and resource crisis that is bound to take hold in the next decade. Once the fossil fuels and other critical minerals are depleted there is no way for society to feed its huge energy appetite - economic and social collapse are imminent just as forecasted in 1972 by 27 researchers at MIT in their best selling book - 30 million copies - Limits to Growth.

Hence if the Arctic melt and Blue Ocean Event does not cause our collapse; then Mother Nature has a backstop of depleting all our critical energy and mineral resources in the not too distant future. One might say - Mother Nature Bats Last.

In summary, it's time to stop fretting about relatively little pimples and to take a perspective of the whole elephant for what it is and says - we have MUCH BIGGER fish to fry...

T A McNeil
CEO Founder
First Financial Insights Inc.

Handle - Greta Prize Nobel
Published The New York Times, July 26, 2021