Saturday, April 25, 2020

MORE EVIDENCE #Green & Renewable #Energy #Hoaxes - #POTH PLANET OF THE HUMANS

Michael Moore releases environmental documentary 'Planet of the ...

April 25, 2020
Good Afternoon-

Here are the comments, I posted on Youtube supporting and endorsing the discourse of this film.

Excellent expose of the crony capitalism that has taken over the green and renewable energy hoaxes. Firstly it contradicts the laws of physics - because ENERGY cannot be RENEWED - THAT WAS THE FIRST BIG LIE. 

NOW  the ECO-NEOFACISTS want to have the film withdrawn -THAT SOUNDS LIKE SUPPRESSION OF OUR RIGHTS TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH. This alone warns us that the Deep State is concerned about the truth in the film and wants it suppressed.

Italy probes police brutality against journalist at neo-fascist ...

No fear - let the word go forth - Michael and Jeff - you will never walk alone.

Meanwhile here are more evidencing materials supporting and affirming the position of the film that Green and Renewable Energies are hoaxes and that humanity faces a grim population/resource imbalance that is moving it towards near-term extinction or complete collapse by no later than 2050  


Humanity's 300-year self-terminating experiment with industrialism

Why renewables can’t save the planet | Michael Shellenberger | TEDxDanubia

Invisible Genocide; The Fallacy of Economic Growth 

Limits to Growth

Greta Thunberg | Fortune

Arithmetic, Population, and Energy - a talk by Al Bartlett

COVID-19 and oil at $1: Is there a way forward? '   

Be Wise, be gentle, and think...

T. A McNeil
CEO and Founder 
First Financial Insights Inc.