Friday, January 28, 2022




Exponential population growth and its commensurate economic growth on a finite planet. As MIT researcher modeling projected in 1972 we are now near collapse as we have exceeded the planet's carrying capacity. Sadly, we were warned long ago but did little if anything about it. 

2 Exponential depletion of key industrial materials and energy resources plus freshwater will make it impossible to create and have a low energy future after 2050- if not, sooner.

Melting ice caps and particularly the Arctic circle where a BOE (Blue Ocean Event) could occur in 2-3 years and wipe out all life on earth due to ​an ​extreme heat comparable to prior mass extinction events

Nuclear War - as populations grow and resources decline the chances of this event will increase - if we don't do it in Ukraine then Pakistan and India are the next possible conflict situations - as both face serious economic and political stresses due to growing populations and declining resources.

5  Ecocide and biosphere destruction are leading to the current 6th extinction of thousands of species, plants, and wildlife annually both on land and sea - in all likelihood also one of the leading causes behind the ​possible lethal ​pandemics among many animals sweeping the planet today and tomorrow.

  • 6 - Complete Economic Collapse - we are running out of ​the ​key fossil fuel energy and material sources (oil, natural gas, and coal) ​while prices are ​also ​not high enough to entice oil producers to explore and develop properties. Moreover, US debt - both off and on the Federal Reserve balance sheet - is estimated to be over $100 trillion and cannot ​possibly ​be repaid by future generations from the economic production of goods and services as there will be no underlying energy and material resources for such activity which in turn backs the value of the dollar. 

  • Similar events are right now occurring in Lebanon, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Venezuela, et al - all experiencing a collapse in their currencies for these reasons. An imbalance of resources, population, corruption, and national debt.  A situation that is becoming endemic in developing nations.

  • The US dollar may possibly lose its reserve currency status in the near future resulting in domestic hyperinflation bringing famine, massive social unrest, and violent internal conflict.  Another reason for the loss in status is that US bonds are now considered to be trash by top experts - i. e. worthless. Why? They can never be repaid in full without ample future resources and production and they are hence viewed to be in a technical de facto default by leading experts. 


  • Moreover, it is utterly certain that cryptocurrency and blockchain cannot provide any solutions to our physical-mathematical predicaments because they are the greatest hoax and financial Ponzi scam in a long time with no real concrete value or tangible asset backing.

  • Ironically, High Technology and its deities are thus clearly not our saviors nor panacea - as all they really do is just make pillaging the planet much easier and more efficient in the short term. Thereby, their primary role is speeding our path to collapse and extinction. 

  • Also, so what if we can now possibly build fusion nuclear plants  - how will they help us to restore the lost topsoil, replenish freshwater and aquifers, replace non-renewable energy, reverse climate change, restore Arctic Ice and other non-renewable material resources? Not going to happen for 250 million years or so.



  • Quite simply, therefore - the writing is on the proverbial wall. Do the numbers and mathematics.

  • So that is it in a nutshell; meaning we may either only have a few years left or barely enough reserves in terms of energy, fresh water, topsoil, and material resources to get us to 2050. The solutions are not in economic or green energy schemes as we are well over the carrying capacity of the planet. 

  • Population and resource ratios are way out of balance and still growing. We remain pawns subject to the unforgiving physical laws of the universe just like bacteria in a petri dish endlessly pursuing energy and procreating  - thereby causing all the energy available to be consumed. That law being- Entropy. 

  • It is not negotiable.  
        We have always shared this law and its Paradise Lost with all other living cellular species past, present, and future.  
  • Any hope of a longer sustainable future however appears to largely rest in achieving a dramatic drop in population below; say,  1 billion in the next decade or so  - albeit such a reduction seems to be merely wishful thinking - as we are too far down the road and beyond tipping points whereby the threats of an Arctic BOE,  lethal worldwide pandemics, global famine and disease, economic and monetary collapse, or nuclear war are very real near term possibilities. We ran out of time to get it right.


It is very unlikely we can reduce populations in short order or remedy all of the critical threats mentioned. Our biggest mistake? Humanity had failed to understand and apply the implications of the exponential function to the population, climate, ecological, and resource constraints of a finite planet. And now we head towards the same destiny as the other 99% of the species who once lived on and enjoyed the wonderful treasures of this paradise. Now lost.

  This is the greatest shortcoming of the human race.
