Europe is convulsed by Islamic immigration, Brexit and a brutal economic state-of-affairs that are making it difficult for the average European citizen to live anything like a normal life or plan for the future.
Germany is one place where this sort of fear is being aimed at the population on a daily basis. Angela Merkel’s government has just urged Germans to stockpile enough food and water for ten and five days, respectively “in case of an attack or catastrophe.” Germany is also mulling a return to a military draft.
On the surface, Merkel is simply trying to prepare Germans for every eventuality. She is, you see, a caring leader who wants the best for her people.
In fact, Merkel is simply a handmaiden for a much larger group of elites who are continually plotting “chaos” in order to lay the groundwork for a continued evolution of global governance.
People are supposed to exist on the knife-edge of panic. Merkel has been very good at bringing chaos and fear to German communities. Her immigration policies have welcomed millions of Muslims displaced by wars of aggression by the US and NATO to Germany, and while this only accounts for one percent of Germany’s population, her government has skewed the demographics for maximum impact.
While the median age of Europeans is 40, the median age for Islamic immigrants is 32. And the population Merkel has knowingly injected into Germany is sharply male.
Like other European and other Western leaders, she is very obviously not interested in securing the safety and well-being of German citizens.
No, let me be blunt: She is actually interested in the dissolution of German culture. She is interested in destroying that culture in order to strengthen a larger pan-European society.

Fear is just one tool, but an effective one. Fear is where it always begins. Later on Merkel and other leaders will manufacture more false flags – terrorist attacks or outright war – to make it seem as if their predictions were wise.